WhAt iF iTs wRittEn iN thE cLoUDs

Strange, Very strange...!

Life, times, experiences... glimpses of the after-world

the untoasted change of jo.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

There was wonce a man called John,
woo Them called Jo (them tongues was whalf-basked, cannotnot blame thems fore that) Them all whenced two the morket square in three's company, the fourth they sayed was for Jo. The marrakesh sqate this very fine day was lient up with the vileage jokes from taciturnville. The pokes comprised of the ages all. The rude vileage olde jokes, who sat in the three cornereds with Them, lighting up their pips and talcking only with theres sharp, uncanny and virulent highs.

The fool amongst the jokes was talking with his little croonked highs, He wuss callt Cock-eye also, they and Them lookt into him highs and at wonce both thinked of this joker Bush as a twistend fellow whom was most vile and ever more sligh than the mast cunning cunt in the whole of the mounchains, even the mirrage breaked when he sheen himself every mourning with his highs.

Thence there wasn't any middel aged jokes in them vileage, them had alls been kilt in the saksoned war of the middledies. They fought for Powder, Hunter and Gluttony. (Them not know that all three toons was hided in the bald bastids toolet rows, them has sulphured from axestream conspiratation and falled on their own stools when dying from hutnosed assfixiation.) Oblivion to such stinky norledghe the stupid middledies whenced and declared war at the beheads of thems Olde joker bush, whom have caused all middledies to dye a most colourfool deadh thanks being very dutily to them Mural poolish who speared no one of them blunt middledies and kilt thems all to debt.

Recoun thing such incidence the joker Bush have cut his dikk and flong it to the fourth end of this madness scare where Jo wast, the joker thence stance up in dickgust and say "thees way, high shall never stand up for any thong arsegain! You under cheny me?" All the other mute vileage pokes larfed in eggsitement and some ate them eyeballs and levers in this celebating pee.

All along them rocket sake towers there was childwrench from the vileage too, them lyttle ruffians kempt playing a game hof hoffing the hofse, them go cashing the hofse all aloud the watch tower and them not stop till them see the hof take him last breadth and kick him on his shoes (silly childwrench tong the horse to himself, them don't know we hofseses breed through our stomachs and not shoes and died). Unfarshootingly the hofse whom died in the mocket skake catos was a priced ponch which axetully beguiled to the meanbest moony merchunk in this mireeud muppet swake whom was an axe royull moonarch blabelled 'Misreprepresentation the vorst'. Him have been drown outted from him classle by saayco munkeys whom now rule themselves in them own classle now. Mir-bun as him is called saw him hofse's deadbody and farted crying at the top of him vice, the vileage joker bush not like it and him kill this moonarch with him hole gun, which mad the moonarch blees to death.

And so endead the mocket sqays bust-tull and all vileage folk have almost died because of th infarcted joker Bush whom shred him vile dis ease and discoiet to everybum in the prowess of the mandness sturck whcih the mocket sqake, nobody talcked abhor Jo, because him was the moonarch's cussing, him full name was lantern rereeled to be 'John shits the guile' an underwearer moonarch aperitif from the ciggarette sergis G.I. die whoce booties came to an enth afchur the moonarch's deadh, and him hatch again bechum a frog.

Song update: Band On The Run - Paul McCartney & The Wings


Its often sad when things hit you out-of-the-blue. One such incidence was the passing away of a blogger who i'd recently got acquainted to and had taken very dearly to her photography and her collective blog which was fun to drop by because of the interesting snippets of music, books and general happenings.. In a short while i was used to accessing the photo blog atleast once everyday, owing to the interesting shots which Jenn See posted. She was very young and it just didn't seem right that she pass away in such an abrupt manner, But she followed her fish. I know i will miss hearing and reading from her and she has left behind a void which might never fill. To wherever you are Jenn see, you will be missed deeply.

I am following my fish ----> Collective blog
Tourist of everything -----> Jenn's Photography blog


Saturday, June 24, 2006

A Pink Floyd poster which i made in Photoshop for myself sometime back.
(Click to enlarge)

Also, -----> Tuche And Automaton

In the words of Loki who called us all in,
this is just a more or less random askinto the ether... a few hundred
people perhaps you're one of them... I'm curious as to what'll happen,
if anything... especially curious as to what might happen if NOTHING
does...i stole your name and ask simply for some effluvia, some wrong
(w)rites, some bad tidings, goosegogs, happenstances or similarities...
nothing considered, everything permitted etc.... everything given will
be up and harried... nothing lost.... abuse at will and we'll see...
feel free to see a lack of potential & ignore this; i probably would as
well (and may yet)

Playground, anyone? :p

Travel notes (the music stays..)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Staccato notes mark the incomprehensible music,
a whirlwind of green, sweeps across the mind,
an old room ceiling, mirrored the stars,
the mind traverses past the ethereal melodies.

Watch out for the gaining clouds,
a phantasmagoric laugh riot ensues,
watch that wall from the right side,
Little pieces of raging emotions, lie carefully crumbled in the corner.

Look at him, the one beside the pillar,
too many dead-ends and ditches and traps,
have taken their toll on this poor,
unsuspecting child of the mad people from Rome.

Ground him first, 3 o'clock is near,
too early for anything, too late for nothing,
The beaming full moon, shall draw you closer,
sit back, fasten those straps, you are about to take off again.

Photo by Chris Klugman, used with permission.

The Black Bug

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Days and days i have travelled on, little by little,
i've gained my scarlet scorn,
touch me not,
for i will smite you,
you may be a little blue and then i'll black you.

Muddy breath, sticky sweat,
come close, do not fret.
i long to walk away with you from the stem,
like my fellow bugs, those who escaped the predators' helm.

Let not my smutty exterior decieve you,

i reveal myself, my being, to only a discerning few.
I am the Black bug and someday i shall return home!
with scarlet splotches, from this desert biome.

previously published in
Taking the Brim __Took the Broom.


Also, There's a new photoblog where i'll be posting images taken from my phones ------> ButterShug!


Friday, June 02, 2006
I was tagged by the fast-paced Inkblot. Although I don't like tags, I thought this was fun!

Quick introduction:

You must post a blog with six weird facts or habits about yourself. These cannot be used against you later on :)
- At the bottom name the six people you will tag next.
- Leave them a comment to let them know they've been tagged and to read your blog

1. Coffee madness - I can never start my day without a cup of hot coffee.. cos if the coffee's missing then my mornings at work are quite dazed. Also there isn't any amount of coffee that is really enough for me, although more than around 6-8 cups a day gives me panic attacks :O

2. Music - I feel music literally flowing through me especially with headphones and good music always gets me high first. When i am in a place where the music is good and loud i'm already buzzed comfortably without even having so much as a sip.

3. No.. No? No! - I find it very difficult to say no to friendly requests.. be they, for anything at all.

4. Ish-strong - I don't fall sick very easily and my wounds heal very fast too. (Wolverine, me!?) heh! Also, i was accident prone before.. there was a time when i had four accidents, all involving head injuries in a span of 3 months or so.. That, until i got some talismanic ring according to the stars which did stop the accidents.

5. Energy!!!! - I find it very wierd that i could go on partying, and spreading the energy all night long without even the slightest trace of fatigue while the party is still on. no matter how long that is, and no matter how 'gone' i am.. There's been times when i hadn't sleep for almost 2 days at a stretch.

6. Sleep - I need to be doing something while i fall asleep, i just cannot fall asleep on my own and am usually reading, listening to music or watching television till very late before i fall asleep.

Now these may not exactly be wierd, but then i can't turn my body around, nor can i sneeze with my eyes open or any of that sort!

Now on to Tagging people!!! (*grin*)

Sujay - He's a sport! I'm sure he'll be up to it.

Scout - Not sure if she'll do it, but should be fun to read if she did!

Triplesix - Hates tags, but i have a feeling she might want to take this up! :)

Sir Barrett - Should be interesting to know more from him!

Blow - Disclosures from the madhouse? I'm sure you'd want to ;)

Risha - She hangs like a star and i'd surely want to know more!

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