Glimpses of an eventful journey

A thousand words cruise somewhere
over the mental plane, a drop of rain
trickles down the window pane,
the music has just begun to takeover,
while the smoke is exhaled in an ever so rhythmical manner.
As you begin to set forth
to dance between the worlds, of
that what you see around you
and that what your closed eyes show you.
Ushering a wave of colourful landscapes,
a stream of uninterrupted velvety drapes,
visions of running, of flying, of dying.
With the music all around you,
you realise that the more you face,
the more you begin to accept and float on freely,
sitting by a serene brook,
the cool wind is your eiderdown,
the inviting plane welcomes you in.

Dear people,
Apologies for the rather long absence and non posting streaks, missed coming by owing to a rough(yet rewarding) bit of a whole load of work and setting up something substantial in fashion, to see me through my ocean of dreams or so i like to believe! That said, i'm looking forward to visit and be washed by your words and imagery. Cheers!
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